
Challenge Exam - February 2025


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Full course description

Two versions of the Challenge Exam are offered

Wyoming Government Exam (1 credit hour)

Students who have completed a college course in U.S. national government may satisfy the Wyoming government portion of the requirement by taking an exam on Wyoming state politics.

This examination consists of 50 questions (40 multiple choice and 10 true/false). Students must score 70% or better (35 questions) to pass the test.

This exam may be taken twice during a student's academic career. The $80 sitting fee must be paid on each attempt. If a student fails the exam on the second attempt, he or she will be required to take a Wyoming government class to complete the V USP requirement.


  • McConnell, et al., The Equality State: Government and Politics in Wyoming. 10th Edition. ISBN:     9781533963666

American & Wyoming Government Exam (3 credit hours)

Individuals desiring to challenge the entire 3 hour course may take a comprehensive examination that covers both state and national governments.

This exam consists of 150 questions (140 multiple choice and 10 true/false). Students must score 70% or better (105 questions) to pass the test.

This exam may be taken twice during a student's academic career. The $80 sitting fee must be paid on each attempt. If a student fails the exam on the second attempt, he or she will be required to take a Wyoming government class to complete the V USP requirement.


  • McConnell, et al., The Equality State: Government and Politics in Wyoming. 10th Edition. ISBN:     9781533963666
  • Lowi, et al., American Government: A Brief Introduction. 17th Brief Edition. ISBN: 9781324039921

Questions about the Challenge Exam

If you have questions or concerns about the Challenge Exam, please feel free to contact us at